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2023-2024 Certification Program   

Well Women Within - Facilitator Training

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Equip Yourself With Skills to Teach Women How to Break Free From Survival & Thrive In Their Soul's Purpose!


Join me for an 8-month program to become a competent and confident Well-Women Within facilitator ready to serve as a heart-centered leader in our evolving world. You learn how to demonstrate your visionary leadership by cultivating a heart of love and embodying your sacred purpose. You also learn how to put your well-being FIRST, no matter what your life challenges are. 


Imagine guiding women on their journey to wellness within and holding a deep presence of spaciousness for them to heal, thrive, and discover their unique contribution to our evolving world! Feel the JOY of offering your presence to others in a way that nourishes your soul and renews your energy!

Heart-to-heart connection is the sacred medicine required to break free from any illusion that we are separate from love. Once that connection occurs, healing and emergence are activated. 


This program creates the optimal conditions for you to thrive, to become masterful at living with an open heart, and to be a powerful catalyst for others’ transformation. By embodying this model, you are well-equipped to transmit this way of being to others one-on-one or in sacred circles.  


Suppose you choose the professional certification track of this program. In that case, you can use branded Mariner Wellness, LLC materials in your work with your clients and/or gain our endorsement to offer and weave the program into your services and brand. ​

The Well Women Within Facilitator Training is offered by Mariner Wellness, LLC whose mission is to collectively heal the body, mind, and spirit by helping persons find their core self and unique purpose. 


Who Is This Program Intended For?

It is designed for:

  • heart-centered healers, 

  • lightworkers, 

  • teachers, 

  • therapists, 

  • coaches, 

  • caregivers, 

  • sponsors, or 

  • any empathic woman devoted to being of service to empowering others

After this training, you will be offering your sacred gifts from a place of overflow, not depletion. You are no longer in survival mode. You are thriving from the inside out and empowering other women to unleash their power. 


Are you ready to say yes to the call of your heart to be of sacred service to yourself and other awakening women? If so, I am honored to train and mentor you.  My passion is to have you shine brightly as a heart-centered Well-Women Within Facilitator.


There are two tracks to this training:

Track 1: Certified Professional Well Women Within Facilitator Training 


This is an 8-month program to train you to become competent to lead women’s circles, workshops, and retreats. If you choose the professional track, once certified, you can use branded Mariner Wellness, LLC materials in your work with your clients and gain our endorsement to offer or/or weave the program into your services and brand.


Track 2: Personal Development Immersion


Participants not interested in becoming professionally certified facilitators can join this sacred container for their own transformation.


Part I: Becoming a Transformational Leader by Developing The Power Of Your Presence
  • Module 1: Introduction To The Journey of the Five Hearts
  • Module 2: Your Original Heart
  • Module 3: Your Broken Heart
  • Module 4: Your Survival Heart
  • Module 5: Your Re-emerging Heart 
  • Module 6: Your Sacred Heart
  • Module 7: Making the Conscious Choice to Crossover And Devote Yourself to the Me First Shift
Part II: Deepening Into the Shift/Transformational Tools To Accelerate Healing and Emergence
  • Module 8: How To Trust Your Intuition And Make Soul-Aligned Decisions
  • Module 9: Journaling From The Heart/A Transformational Writing Practice
Part III: Holding Sacred Space For Others: Essential Skills & Practices
  • Module 10: Creating The Optimal Conditions For Transformation
  • Module 11: How To Create Sacred Rituals To Open and Close Women's Circles
  • Module 12: Heart-Centered Coaching Skills For Individual Meetings
  • Module 13: Practice Session/ Developing Your Skills To Present The Journey Of The Five Hearts 
  • Module 14: Closing Ceremony/Certificates of Completion & Options For Ongoing Emergence
Questions & Answers: 

1. What Are The Dates And Times Of The Gatherings?


All meetings are live on Zoom and will be recorded should you be unable to attend live.

The Intro Meeting is on Saturday, November 18th, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. ET.


Live online classes are held on Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. ET. (It is unnecessary to be at the live calls to enroll in the training. Replays will be available.) 


  • December 6th

  • January 10

  • January 24

  • February 7

  • February 28

  • March 6

  • March 27

  • April 10

  • April 24

  • May 8

  • May 22

  • June 5

  • June 19


2. When I enroll in either program, what will I receive?


Before each gathering, you will receive a downloadable PDF that will provide you with the session's theme, guided questions for self-inquiry, and guidelines for at-home practices between sessions. This PDF does not have to be reviewed before the session, but if you prefer to prepare beforehand, that is an option. Recorded guided meditations to activate your higher consciousness and release subconscious programming will also be provided with specific modules. (These will be connected to the theme of the session). 

An optional private Facebook community to share our challenges, wins, struggles, questions, and wisdom with each other. 


3. What will we do together?

Each session will begin with a heart-centered meditation and guided visualization to connect to the theme and intention of our meeting. A brief teaching on the selected subject will be presented. You will be given guided questions for self-inquiry and ample time to write your responses to the questions during the session. We will break up into small groups for sharing. Guidelines for sharing will be presented in a downloadable document and reviewed with the group. We will return to the large group and gather the fruits of our small group sharing. We will end with a sacred closing ritual that leaves us energized, empowered, focused, and inspired to practice what we are learning in our daily lives.


4. What about confidentiality?

All enrolled members agree to keep the confidentiality of what is shared in our circle between us. The recordings sent out will not include group sharing to preserve the trust and safety of the circle. Your experience of feeling safe and received is essential. This is a sacred contract we make with each other before we begin our journey together.


5. What is the investment for this program?


$1705.00 or seven monthly payments of $260.00

6. What do I do to enroll?

If you decide to enroll, email me at to request your preferred track (professional or immersion) and the payment option. The PayPal link will be sent to you. 


7. What are the requirements for professional certification?

  • Attend as many sessions live as you can. Listen to the replays of all sessions missed. Complete the questions for self-inquiry provided during each module, engage in the Home Play Practices provided, and record your observations. Send them to your trainer if you are not on the live call

  • Show up fully as a leader and practice your heart-centered skills during the meetings and daily life

  • Request to hold sacred space as a facilitator during our meetings when you feel ready.

  • Gather a small circle of friends to practice a group session and share your experience with your trainer

  • You can practice one-on-one mentoring using the method with awakening women seeking your guidance and bring your observations to the supervision sessions.

  • Complete the observation notebook and send your observations to your trainer.

  • Connect with your trainer for personal or group supervision for seven sessions to oversee your progress and for deeper integration of the materials. Group supervision option will be discussed in session one

  • Should you need more time to integrate the materials and practice before receiving your certification, you have permanent access to all of the materials and until July 2025 to complete your certification

8. What are the requirements to receive a certificate of completion?

  • Attend or listen to the replays of all the sessions

  • Engage in the home play practices provided with each module and record your observations.

  • Complete the questions for self-inquiry provided in each module

  • Practice your skills informally in your daily life and share your experiences in the circle

  • Do a final evaluation form provided for you of your progress and submit it to your trainer      

This certification is led by: 


Marcia Mariner is a Sacred Feminine Visionary Leader & Spiritual Midwife. She creates a powerful container for awakening women, leading them to rapid transformation of their lives. With over 30 years of experience as a licensed therapist and certified heart-centered hypnotherapist, she has guided countless women individually and in groups. Her women-centered professional coaching program is known as Well Women Within Facilitator Training. This program creates a sacred container for prospective coaches to learn and teach the skills necessary to empower women to break free from survival, embody their worth, and thrive in their soul's purpose.

In addition to the Well Women Within coaching program, Marcia offers one-on-one mentoring and transformational retreats. She also leads several women's empowerment circles.

Marcia believes that, when women say a bigger yes to becoming who they are encoded to be, they are a powerful catalyst for change in the world. They accelerate the evolution of a more humane and sustainable world. For more information, visit her website:


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